“Always in motion is the future …” wise words from Master Yoda … and with the comic book industry - that is more true than ever. Sitting on my desk right next to me is the February Previews Catalog (#427) and I have to wonder if this will be the last one - as the fate of Diamond is uncertain past April. From when I entered the industry in 2009 until a few years ago Diamond was the gold standard. If Diamond accepted you into their catalog - that meant you made it. Over the last few years that brass ring has become tarnished. To be honest I don’t believe there will be a Diamond Comics Distributor by the end of the year (probably much sooner) and that is a scary thought.
When I mapped out 2025 I called it the “Cosmic Comeback” - I laid out a plan that would see Cosmic Times books in the Previews catalog for a minimum of 18 months straight. I had the product and the mechanisms all in place … but just as I launched my first Kickstarter of the year (more on that in a second) the news of Diamond filing for bankruptcy broke. That Kickstarter was the first phase of my Cosmic Comeback plan … and all of a sudden that plan had to get tossed out the window.
To say this was a depressing situation is an understatement - though my head maybe down a little - my eyes are still focused forward. The future of Cosmic Times and the comic book industry as a whole might just be in question … but I’ve made it this far … there is no giving up now. I have a (top secret) “Cosmic Goal” for February that if it materializes will help me plot said future. But I am not one to put the proverbial cart before the horse - so I’ll just keep focused on what is happening RIGHT NOW …
Kickstarter Fulfillment Part One
The Kickstarter for From Blood: The Collected Edition was a success! The campaign ended at 125% funded and that’s something to celebrate for sure! Immediately work began on collecting all the files for the printer and I can say (unless something changes) the final book will be 98 pages in length … not bad for a three-issue mini-series.
As of right now 67% of all backers have filled out their surveys, while that’s not bad - we need 100% sooner rather than later. I want to order the books from the printer next week and I need that backer info to complete the print file. So if you backed this project and have yet to complete your survey, please do so now.
More about Diamond
If you want to go more in depth with the current state of Diamond (and who wouldn’t?) - Kevin and I once again sat down to do a live-stream through Substack talking about the state of things.
You can find a link to our conversation below.
So, I know … in the last Cosmic Update - I said I would have a clearer plan for the future of Cosmic Times … but the way things are continuing to shift - it’s becoming difficult to lock down one direction. I think I pretty much know what NEEDS to happen for us to survive this year and into the next … but like I said earlier, hitting that February Goal is key.
Stay tuned as things continue to change … but also …
Stay Cosmic,