The last Cosmic Update (click HERE for it) was singularly focused on Free Comic Book Day. That’s not the case with this Update, I’ve got some Cosmic News to throw your way … but first our teaser trailer …
Arthur: The Legend Continues - Final Issue!
I know it wasn’t the most elaborate teaser trailer and didn’t incorporate any AI tricks - but it did get the point across. That point was that there is a NEW issue of our flagship series Arthur: The Legend Continues … and it’s the FINAL one … for now. This issue will bring the story that started in 2009 to a close at long last. I have teamed up with Carlos Tron to wrap up King Arthur’s story in a post apocalyptic future in what I think is a very satisfying way.
This project - Arthur: The Legend Continues - Volume II - Issue Three - will be launching on Kickstarter in a few months. I am encouraging everyone to follow along by clicking “notify me on launch” over on the prelaunch page.
Also if you want to dive in further - follow Cosmic Times over on Patreon where we have been dropping art from this final issue.
TWO Upcoming Events!
First up - March 14-16 we’re heading back to Jacksonville, Florida for the incredible Collective Con! This is quickly becoming one of our favorite Florida conventions. Guests this year include - Famke Janssen, Chris Bachalo, Nick Frost, Claudia Gray, Ashley Eckstein, Peter Raymundo, Dee Bradley Baker, and many more … including Cosmic Times (me) and Insymmetry Creations (Matt & Steph). This is a super fun convention that will take place at the Prime F. Osborn III Convention Center, swing by say “hi” and get some indie comics.
It was just recently announced that we’re going back to “America’s Favorite Comic Convention” - HeroesCon! Heroes is truly the comic creators comic con! Founded way back in 1982, HeroesCon quickly became legendary for being the convention where the BEST creators in the industry can meet and mingle directly with the fans. There are so many awesome events that take place after-hours at HeroesCon, such as the drink & draw and the mind-blowing art auction. This incredible convention makes its home in Charlotte, NC at the beautiful Charlotte Convention Center. We’ll be there June 20th to 22nd … and you should be there too!
PalmCon … our own Convention!
I know I haven’t talked about it much - but our own convention PalmCon: South is quickly coming together. I’m trying to finalize the floor plan today or tomorrow so I can start to assign tables. I’m also putting together a nice group of local creators to make sure PalmCon remains a locally driven event.
I just met with Eddie from Flynn’s Arcade & More to see what kind of magic he can bring to the show … spoilers … it’s going to be awesome. I’ll have a lot more information about PalmCon: South, taking place at the South County Civic Center on the Boca/Delray line - April 5th from 10 to 6, very soon. Head over to the PalmCon site for more information and follow PalmCon on social media.
We’re not packing our convention schedule too tightly this year … because of those BIG plans I keep eluding to … but I think the shows we are picking are pretty awesome. Let me ask … who’s going to Collective Con, HeroesCon, and/or PalmCon: South? Let me know in the comments - also feel free to mention any other shows that you think we should be attending or at least adding to our 2026 schedule.
Stay Cosmic,